Low fees change everything

Our Low Fee Index Fund Investing can save you thousands each year.

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The fees really make a difference. We want to show you just how much. Click the button below to get a free, no-strings rate comparison.

Investments with Lower Fees and Higher Returns

Middle Street Capital manages your investments with some of the lowest fees in the industry. In fact, we can save you on average 68% in annual fees. Because of the miracle of compounding (see below) even small reductions in fees can make a big difference in the size of your nest egg.


Average Advisor Fee %

Source New York Times

Value of $100,000 Portfolio

Compound means exponential

When you invest money into any fund that provides a rate of return, your money grows by that rate. But that rate not only applies to the original amount invested, but also to the amount your money has grown because of it. So the more it compounds, the more you have. The more you have, the more it compounds. It’s a beautiful cycle—one that can actually increase your investment returns eightfold over 30 years. That’s why it’s often called the “miracle of compounding.” But it’s not really a miracle, it’s just math.

29.6% of profits are paid as fees

Source: Vanguard

The compound curse

Unfortunately, interest isn’t the only thing that compounds over time. Fees compound too. Think about it. Just as adding money to your investments can quickly grow your total savings, money that is removed from your savings — by annual fees for example — will compound over time and end up dramatically eating away at your savings. Even a seemingly small annual fee such as 1.27%, the average U.S. mutual fund fee, can take away almost 30% of your investment return when compounded over 10 years. We know. It’s shocking.

Schedule a free consultation and see how much you could save.

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